The current age is fueled by a perspective driven by irrational constructs that divorce God from creation. With that in mind, we must not let our worldview be altered by the influx of false views and suppositions. The world is driven by it’s desire to be free from laws that interfere with our desires or in other terms, God’s constraints. We covet freedom and risk damnation in the pursuit.
Deutoronmy 5:21 (ESV)
“And you shall not covet…”
James 3:16 (ESV)
16For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
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To covet means to hold and maintain a strong desire for something you do not have. This feeling seems to be amplified when you are in close proximity to someone who has something you want. God gave us a commandment to help us guard or hearts because He knows how easily we can be led by desires born out of coveting. I will not bore you folks with the details of how many things we can possibly covet. I will instead focus on the deluded belief that we should be free from God’s laws or constraints. The devil preaches a gospel of self fulfillment and improvement that will lead to godlike qualities. We deem being made in His image and likeness insufficient and embrace the lie that we can make ourselves into something more noble and worthy than His design. Satan believed this and still preaches it with fervor.
To many this seems like a reasonable, logical conclusion. Our carnal response to others items or opportunities is to be jealous. If the other is God, we feel the same way, some how slighted or left out of a good thing. God’s has a right to do what He will with His creation. This is an axiom we rebel against. What the fallen nature ultimately covets is soveriegnty. Satan rallied angels, Adam and Eve to his side by proclaiming loyalty to self and nothing besides. The image of an unbridled horse free from the restrictions of an arbitrary ruler was a rallying cry that proved to be very seductive. It worked then and it works now.
Are you on a self improvement, fulfillment quest? Are you jealous of the opportunities others have and their freedoms. If so, the fire will only get worse and it will never be satiated. The thing we covet the most is the desire to implement our wills as much as possible and based on this innate curse of the fall, we seek to be God and rule in His place in our lives and those around us. Saints it’s time to put out the fire of covetouseness and find God’s will for your life. Don’t get caught up in what you don’t have or what God has not supplied you with. Don’t focus on your neighbor, family member, attributes or anything that makes you feel less than others. You have everything you need to obey God today. Everything you need is within your grasp. Douse the fire with the water of the Spirit.