Reticence: A Modern Parable and Poem


John bid his wife a quiet goodbye with a kiss on the cheek

And so started his day going about with good deeds

And as all of the neighbors had come to expect

He delivered gifts, food, and even small checks


John was a mystery to quite a few who saw him about

In his early 70s full of energy, strong, and stout

No church around could speak of his membership

A man of few words, no telling cause fell from his lips


Just a doer of good deeds toward those near and far

He preached with actions, yet his reputation was marred

By those who thought — insisted on a quota of souls and attendance at church

And ah poor John, how deep the wounds of the brethren’s accusations did hurt


John was reticent, by design, not by cowardice or chance

Yet doing what he could to advance

The kingdom as a church — two or more — with his wife on bended knee

Until the faithful day he died with a sigh of relief


His next conscious thought he was at the Judgment Seat of Christ

To undergo a thorough examination of his works and life

Reticent and reserved was the Lord, no words spoken yet

As Christ gazed toward the Works Station’s fire now in effect


The fire burned away consuming the dross

Remaining? Gold and precious metals of great price and cost

And our man John? A smile simply lit up his face

“Thank you my Lord, Your Eminent Grace.”


John was puzzled as the Lord looked to his right
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His eyes drifted there as well with expectation, and to his delight

He saw a large throng of people he served on earth while in the flesh

They now, too, had entered God’s eternal, heavenly rest


“Well done good and faithful servant.” The words he longed to hear

“Because you have served in your domain and without fear”

For many had supposed John’s calling was a deviation from their righteous set

But instead it was designed by God, and wholly perfect!


I wonder how the trappings of our traditions mold saints a certain way

I wonder how many were called to enter particular frays

But our expectations, discouraging words, demands, time, and chance

Herd these precious ones away from their true callings and stance


The power of organization, structure, planning, and order have merit, but without life

They will produce little worthwhile only: confusion, enmity, and strife

Remember, structures too, will be tested in the fire and seen for what they are

But deeds done in love and by new life will shine brighter than stars


So learn from this parable about a man who never was

And examine the theme of it simply because

We may be judging some who do not fit into our script

While we suppose we are standing strong, we might just slip


How I love the spectrum of God’s people — the saints

How I cringe at the thought of how we promote and taint

The real work, extending love and life to all, instead we tend to promote

Well written and spoken saints that are able to … coax


James 2:15-16

“If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking daily in food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?”

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