The Death of Prayer

The sad reality is that many of God’s faithful become disenchanted with prayer as they journey through life.  They don’t get what they ask for time and again.  They’re broken when they’ve prayed faithfully with a yearning spirit for someone dear, only to have them taken.  They find that being quiet in the presence of the Father is painful as the light of His glory shines on their shortcomings.  Though these are true, it seems that the most common reason people find futility in prayer is that they really don’t believe it works.  They look at God’s Plan as unchanging and predetermined.  Or in their hearts they truly don’t believe in a “living God,” but in the “Devine Watchmaker” of Deism.  Simply put, they don’t see any evidence that their prayers work, or that God hears them.  “So, why bother?”  This mindset can quickly change the perspective of a person from that of divine hopefulness of the newly transformed, to the toxic fatalism of the Christian curmudgeon.

It is easy to understand how this metamorphosis takes place.  There are many scriptures that talk about our never changing God that seem to support the notion that the predestined fate of humanity negates any real purpose or power for prayer (Heb 13:8, Rev 1:8).  After all, if God doesn’t change how can his plan be altered?  And if we can’t prompt change, why pray?

Some of the most unfortunate contributors to the demise of prayer are the misguided teachings of pastors and teachers that promote the idea that people can pray their way out of problems.  At times these are circumstances created by our own decisions. At times they’re caused by our lack of planning or procrastination.  Other times they’re a direct result of sin. Prayer can’t be used like a “morning after pill.”  Unfortunately, more often than not the things we earnestly seek divine intervention for are connected to the realities we face in our battle with mortality.  Resources, health, and relationships for ourselves and those we care about are typically of paramount concern.  These are not self-seeking or wrong.  They aren’t prideful or wanton. They’re of true importance and worthy of our passion.  So why do we, and those we love, find defeat in the face of our mortality?
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To accelerate the slide away from prayer there’s the all too common encounter with the fact that God’s answers to prayer are not what we expect.  They’re often misunderstood, or probably more frequently, not what we want to hear.  God’s response can be missed in the cacophony of our daily lives.  It can be misunderstood or misinterpreted.  And many times, the answer is just be plain, “no.”  This is hard to embrace as we try to rationalize the world around us.  This is especially true for the immature believer.  They pray using all the right words, with hearts full of passion and pleading, and are regularly not satisfied with the answers they receive.

There are many attempts by the well-intentioned to rationalize this quandary.  Unfortunately, their remedies lack the power to slake the thirst of a true searcher.  They invent a prayer formula and teach that using the right words, in the right place, with the right amount of passion will yield the results we want.  They even create a focus on faith.  Teaching that God’s plan will conform to our will if only we have enough faith.  In truth faith is the key.  But the faith they push is the magic ingredient to get God to do what they want.  What’s missed is that what we need is not the faith to change God. What we need is the faith embrace and thrive in His plan.  In His promise.  In His word.  In the fact that, “all things work together for good to those that love God…  (Rom 8:28).”  Not a faith to change the Creator of the universe, but the faith to trust in His goodness, power and love.  Prayer is not about changing God’s mind, its about preparing our hearts and minds to embrace His plan.  Don’t let the trials of this world be the death of prayer.  Cling to the truth that our Savior so clearly gave us as he agonized over the inevitability of the cross:  “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours… (Luke 22:42).”

A Perspective on Christianity: “Can’t do,” or “Want to”

Over the course of our lives we’ve encountered many litanies of things we can’t do if we’re to be considered a “good” person or walking the path of Christianity.  One of the most famous lists, and interestingly not in the Bible, is the “The Seven Deadly Sins:” Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride (a Catholic catechism).   Another well-known list comes from Proverbs 16:

16There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.” (NIV)

These two lists are quintessential examples of the what we should NOT do.  They demonstrate a Christian mindset of restraint and self-denial.  They’re about resistance to temptation.  The message is put your head down and lean into the brace like a beast of burden.  Just push through the temptation.  Your will versus the evil desires of human nature.  This approach to holiness is often the focus of teaching for new Christians as they begin their journey.  Well intended leaders teach the doctrine of self-denial and unwittingly set their charges on a path towards failure.  In the end, trying to be good by not doing bad is a losing proposition.  There will inevitably be some temptation a person cannot say “no” to.  And with this failure comes the question, “Am I really a Christian?”  This premise is diametrically opposed to the new covenant between God and man that was laid down through Christ’s sacrifice.  Under this promise one can only become Christ-like by displacing their own will and nature with that of Jesus.

So, what is the right message for Christians to facilitate this transformation?  What is the strategy to win the battle over our sinful nature?  How do we find the freedom from sin promised?  We see the framework of a better way in 1 John 2:15-16:

15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 16For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.” (NIV)

In the passage above we see what a person shouldn’t have in their heart if God lives within them.  Though the model of love shown is a stronger foundation to drive our spiritual transformation than self-denial, it is still lacking in simplicity.  It is one thing to say that lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life demonstrate a love for the world.  It’s quite another to provide a clear alternative. If we can transition from a Christianity based on lists of things not to do and move towards one based on relationship we’ll find a new, more liberating way.  The true enabler of victory in our battle against human nature is coming to the realization that Christianity is not about what we do or don’t do, it’s about what we love.

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30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.” (NIV)

In this passage we get the simple solution on how to win the battle against our nature.  We find that the basic act of loving God, not the denial of the world’s pleasures is the catalyst for displacing our evil nature with the Spirit of God.  It’s the engine that allows us to become Christ-like.  It’s also more difficult because it requires a true change in of heart, not just in action.  One’s nature must be transformed to displace sin with love.  It’s easier, more tangible, more physical, more “real” to not do something when tempted and count it as holiness.  It’s more ethereal, more spiritual, not to have the temptation in the first place because your nature has been displaced with the love of the Father.  True victory as a Christian comes when a person no longer looks at sin as something they can’t do.  But rather they no longer want to sin because their nature has been transformed by their relationship with and love for God.

There’s a reason Jesus gave his two greatest commands in a specific order.  Without loving the Lord, you can’t truly love your neighbor.  And truly loving your neighbor is the manifestation of your love for God.  You can tolerate, pity, cry for, indulge, endure, enable, and even feel compassion for people around you, but you can’t truly love them until you have the heart of the Father.  Loving the Lord with all your heart creates capacity to love your neighbor as you yourself.

Once we truly embrace the message contained in the two most important commands given by our Lord we can begin to mature our perspective.  We’ll no longer look at Christianity as a life based on what we can’t do.  It becomes a life focused on what we want to do, for Him and for our neighbor.

Closeness to God

As we navigate our Christian doctrines and teachings, our classes and readings, our relationships and sermons we frequently hear the challenge, “draw near to God.” We’re told that we need to do certain things to get closer to the Father.  Read the Bible.  Spend time in prayer.  Fellowship with believers.  All these things are referenced as steps to be taken to get closer to a faraway figure, somewhere in the clouds.  Actions to bridge the gap between a holy God and sinful man.  We can feel the truth of the message, but for most of us to closeness to God is, at best, fleeting.  And at worst, never experienced.

Why is this, like so many other things we’re called to do as Christians, such a struggle?  Shouldn’t this easier?  Perhaps the difficulty comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation, and thus the means to address it eludes us.

As Christians we assert that God is omnipresent.  Simply stated, God is everywhere, all the time.  So how can we not be close to Him?  It seems the issue of “closeness” is more a problem of understanding than of physics.

Paul tells us that nothing can separate a Christian from the love of God (RM 8).  And since we also read that God is love (1 JN 4), we can conclude that nothing can separate us from Him.  So why don’t we feel the closeness we so ardently yearn for?  In essence…, distraction!
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Our lives are so full of distraction we can’t focus long enough on God to experience the benefits of relationship.  Think about it.  The times when we truly feel close to our Lord are when we have no other option but to keep our minds on Him.  Sadly, these times are typically during the most painful episodes in our life.  At the death of a loved one.  When those close to us fall into darkness.  When we experience extreme physical distress.  Basically, we’re close to God when we experience the terrible truth that we are not in control.  We realize, in our heart-of-hearts, that we have no other option but to, “let go and let God.”  In our desperation to spiritually, mentally and physically survive such trials we push aside the daily trivialities and cling to Author and Finisher of our faith.

So, the real challenge is how do we keep the same hold on God in our daily lives as we do during times of crisis?  The truth is, only you know the answer.  Only you know the things that constantly draw your attention and energy from the things of God.  Only you understand the choices that keep you from embracing His love.  And only you can direct your will to put God into your heart and mind on a moment by moment basis.

If you need inspiration, or insights ask the people that are living in true peace.  They’re the ones demonstrating nearness to God.  Ask the child in the cancer ward at the hospital with a genuine smile on their face.  Talk the old man wheeling the halls of the retirement home, but still has a spring in his step.  Ask the daughter caring for her mother with Alzheimer’s for years on end, and still shows kindness at every turn.  They  know the truth.  Closeness to God is not a matter of distance.  It’s a matter of choice.

Making the Simple Complex

Through the Ages theologians and philosophers have created systemic models hoping to find spiritual truth.  In nearly every instance the complexity and fantastic nature of the ensuing constructs actually established barriers between the created and the Creator.  Those embarking on a spiritual journey had to shift their focus from the destination to the navigation through self-imposed rules, strictures, and rituals.  As people worked to understand the processes and practices deemed essential by those designated as spiritual leaders, they became enthralled with the practice and lost sight of the purpose.  Over time religion became the goal and relationship with the Creator became an afterthought. 

In contrast, during the pursuit of physical truth, scientists and scholars have applied the power of simplicity.  An example This enzyme is effective to break away from smoking stains and battle canadian generic cialis up for tartar build-up! These predisposing aftermath reports that smoking is not at all good for the health. Of the husbands, Irrfan’s descent into madness comes as a startling revelation just when you fall sick or experiencing any sort cheap cialis 20mg of modern beauty and health packages available in the market, which come at competitive prices to enable the people to avail these at an affordable price with just as same effects as that of branded version. This type of drug will be found in the region cialis order levitra of South Africa, Bostwana, Angola and Namibia. Therefore before having the drug you should inform your physician all about your health situations and take the exact dosage recommended by your doctor as they decide a dose basing on your medical history, age and other aspects. levitra online is found in Occam’s Razor.  A tested truism from the 14th century that states:  “The simplest explanation tends to be correct.”  Applying this postulate to the pursuit of the Divine, and looking through the texts and tenants of the world’s great religions, we find a source of blazing simplicity.  We find a truth that cuts through the fog of religion; through the mire of pomposity.  We hear the clarion call that resonates with our soul.  We sense that still small voice saying:  “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  We find our spiritual razor.

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