” I no longer pray for the storms to cease, but faith and courage to weather the storms.” – Dr. William Hartsfield II
Matthew 14:22-32 NLT22 Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home. 23 After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone. 24 Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. 25 About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!” 27 But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” 28 Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” 29 “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. 31 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” 32 When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. 33 Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed.
I heard a sobering and convicting message this past Sunday while visiting my dad’s church in Kansas City. It was a message I have heard many times before and even one that I have written and preached myself. However, this time, I received more clarity or understanding….something, that made me really question what level of faith do I really have.
In reviewing the above scripture, first it is important to recognize and understand that Christ sent the Disciples to the boat to cross the lake. In fact, this version says that He “insisted”. Now because Christ was always in a teaching mode, its easy for me to understand that He was about to teach His followers a valuable lesson. One that I’m learning to this day.
As the story continues, Christ goes off to pray and the Disciples are making their way across the lake when they find themselves in the midst of a storm. This is where, for the first time, the light bulb finally went off in my head. Jesus sent them on this journey, the Disciples where being obedient in following Jesus’ instructions and here comes a storm that they were not expecting. Further more, in their panic and fear, they didn’t even recognize Jesus approaching them and their situation. Even more fear gripped them to the point that Jesus had to cry out to them to not be afraid, that He was now there. This wasn’t enough for Peter, for He had to question Jesus and test Him by asking Him to give him another command to prove Himself.
Now I have written a lot about what happens after this with Peter stepping out of the boat, but what I got this time from this account was what Dr. Hartsfield quoted, “I no longer pray for the storms to cease, but faith and courage to weather the storms.”
I must confess, that I have spent too much time complaining, begging, pleading with God to just give me, my family, friends and loved ones a moment of “stormlessness”(yes, I made up a new word). I’ve compassionately and unwittingly, prayed that God keep the storms of life away, so that we can enjoy life and happily and joyfully, go thru this journey to Heaven, when He calls us.
The problem with this safe-thinking, is what I believe the Disciples eventually had to learn for themselves. I’ll try to keep this short.
The Disciples just spent the day participating in a miracle feeding of thousands. They sat and listened to the wonderful preaching and teaching of Jesus. They had been walking with Him for some time and even received direction from Jesus to go and wait for Him. Jesus approached them in their time of trouble, called out to them and even gave them a word of encouragement. It was only after all of this, did they finally and I believe, completely realized, just who Jesus was. For they all bowed down, worshipped and proclaim, that Jesus was indeed the Son of God.
Now if this is the purpose of our storms, then eliminating the storms in our lives will do us more harm than going through them. Therefore, my thinking, my attitude and my heart is changing to no longer desire for the storms in life to cease, but for my faith and courage to increase. So that I too can proclaim, without a doubt, that Jesus is indeed the Son of God, my Lord and Savior!
May you know the fullness of His love and blessings in your life today.