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Category Archives: Practical Matters
A Love Letter To God
I love the book of Psalms. They are not only encouraging, but I can relate to how David loved God. I read them often when I need to be reminded of how much God loves me.
Back in 2000, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to write God my Psalm to Him. A love letter if you will.
I would like to share that with you and hope that it encourages you to write a love letter or psalm to the ONE that loved you so much, that He gave His Son for you and I.
Psalm to My Heavenly Father
Oh how great and wonderful YOU are. You are the center of my entire universe. I exist as I am because YOU have spoken it to be so. Because YOU created me, YOU have always desired for me to Know YOU, to Love YOU, to Depend upon YOU , to Worship YOU.
I am convinced that I desire these things also. However, YOU knew that I could not convince myself sufficiently enough to accomplish these things. Therefore, YOUR abundant Grace and Mercy was made known to me through YOUR son, JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT.
The power of YOUR Love has been given to me through YOUR son, JESUS CHRIST. The wisdom of YOUR Love is manifested in and
through me by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.
There are no words strong enough, great enough, sufficient enough to describe YOUR AWESOMENESS. I can not, as hard as I try, thank you enough for what YOU have done and are doing for me, to me and through me.
When I falter, YOU are there to keep me moving, When I get weak, YOU are there to show me your strength. When I don’t understand, YOU are there to give me YOUR understanding. When I forget, YOU are there to sweetly remind me of YOU. When I am down, YOU are there to show me, that because of YOU, I have already overcomed all obstacles. When I am sorrowful, YOU make my heart begin to sing of YOUR Goodness and YOUR Love.
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Each and every moment of my life, YOU are continually revealing YOUR Love within me.
Each and every thought, belief and understanding that I have, describes YOUR Presence within me. Each and every step or action I take, provides me with the realization of YOUR Power within me.
I used to worry FATHER, that I would not please YOU. But I now know through YOUR Love, JESUS CHRIST, and through YOUR wisdom and comfort, the HOLY SPIRIT, that YOU are truly pleased with me, the
moment I said yes to accepting YOUR gift, my sacrifice, my salvation, my way back to YOU…..JESUS.
I now realize, that from that moment, it has been YOU, that is manifesting YOUR faith, trust, dependence, obedience, patience, temperance, joy, peace and love for YOU, within me.
Thank you for what YOU have done in my life.
Thank you for what YOU are doing in my life.
Thank you for what YOU will continue to do in my life.
Thank you for being my Heavenly Father
Do You Know God Well Enough To Know When He Shows Up?
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A Word For Today – In The Face of Impossibilities by David Wilkerson
I received this today and thought it was excellent for encouragement to all Believers. We are instructed by the Word of God to be strong. Not in our own strength, which is not strength at all, but in the strength of God.
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by David Wilkerson
“Being not weak in faith, (Abraham) considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb” (Romans 4:19).
The essence of true faith is found in this single verse. God had just promised Abraham he would have a son, one who would become the seed of many nations. Remarkably, Abraham didn’t flinch at this promise, even though he was well past the age of siring children. Instead, when Abraham received this word from the Lord, we’re told he “considered not his own body now dead (nor)…the deadness of Sarah’s womb.”
To the natural mind, it was impossible for this promise to be fulfilled. But Abraham didn’t dwell on any such impossibility. According to Paul, the patriarch gave no thought to how God would keep his promise. He didn’t reason with God, “But, Lord, I have no seed to plant. And Sarah has no life in her womb to conceive. My wife is past the ability to bear children. So, how will you do it, Lord?” Instead of entertaining such questions, Abraham simply “considered not.”
The fact is, when God is at work producing a faith that is tried and better than gold, he first puts a sentence of death on all human resources. He closes the door to all human reasoning, bypassing every means of a rational deliverance.
The faith that pleases God is born in a place of deadness. I’m speaking here of the deadness of all human possibilities. It is a place where man-made plans flourish at first and then die. It is a place where human hopes bring temporary relief but soon crash, adding to a sense of helplessness.
Have you been at this place of deadness? Has it seemed you have no options left? You can’t call someone to advise you. The heavens are like brass when you pray, your requests falling to the ground.
I declare to you, this is God at work. His Spirit is working to get you to stop considering the impossibilities—to stop looking to human ways and means—to stop trying to think your way out of your situation. The Holy Ghost is urging you, “Quit hunting for help from some man. And quit focusing on how hopeless you think your situation is. Those are hindrances to your faith.”
Religion or Relationship: Which Do You Have?
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Voices, voices everywhere.(Who Has Your Ear?)
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Job 2:11 NASB Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, they came each one from his own place, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite; and they made an appointment together to come to sympathize with him and comfort him.
Can I tell you that at our greatest need, at our deepest despair, that we have three friends that will come to our assistance: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
However, unlike Job’s three friends, ours will only give us sound advice if we choose to hear and receive it.
If you are in a “midnight situation”, where many voices are trying to give you advice, I would strongly suggest and encourage that you seek the voice of our Heavenly Father, Jesus our Lord and the Holy Spirit our Comforter. Silence all those other well meaning voices, especially your own, that do not have the power to get to the core of your situation.
Now this doesn’t mean that you go somewhere and hide, but base what others are telling you by how it lines up or is supported by the Word of God. A lot of advice in this world sounds good and reasonable, but it is still in error if it contradicts what God has written.
Christ stated that His sheep will know His voice. You can’t separate all the other voices unless you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and our indwelling Helper, the Holy Spirit.
Once again, we find everything we possibly need in God. Why not let go and let God?
How Long Will You Make God Wait? (Is that really a good thing?)
One day we will meet beside the river and our Lord will dry every tear. For now, we must live in the joy of that promise and recall that for every generation life is hard, but God is faithful. — Bodie Thoene
Isaiah 30:18 NLT So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.
My brothers and sisters, lets not keep God waiting any longer. Surrender your hearts and lives to Him. He did not create us to harm us or make our lives difficult. He is not the one doing that. It is our own selfishness and trying to live life apart from His grace, mercy and love that brings our heartaches and pain.
You may feel and think that you have done nothing wrong to deserve the storms and trials of your life. However, if you have not given the reigns or your life to God. If you are still trying to work out your own salvation. If you are still trying to do things your way. Can I tell you that the tears that you may be experiencing could be from your own doings and not God’s?
Our own righteousness will never meet the standard of righteousness that God requires…period. All have sinned and fallen short and have been separated from fellowship with God. And if we rather live outside of that fellowship with God, then we are living wrong and the results of that wrong living is on us and not God.
One day, Jesus will dry all our tears and heal our hurts. But this is reserved for those who know Him as Savior, Lord and King.
It comes down to continuing to live your way or accepting to live God’s way. There will be tears and hurts along both paths, but only God’s path will lead to peace, rest and healing, just as He promised.
May you come to know Jesus more and more each day. God bless.
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Welcome to Pratical Matters
Welcome to Practical Matters.
I appreciate you stopping by and taking a look at what God places on my heart to share. I have nothing to boast of other than a heart that God has changed from one of selfishness, ignorance, anger and hate to one that realizes that life is loving God and those He allows us to travel this journey of life with.
My purpose for this blog is simply to help others, including myself, to find God, to get to know Him more and more each day, and to realize, that nothing we do will utlimately bring us lasting joy and peace, outside of a committed and complete relationship with our Creator.
I have made my share of mistakes like most of us. I still do. However, through a relationship with Jesus Christ, I now have an advocate, that continually present a cleaned up version of me to my Heavenly Father. Knowing this, causes me to want to live my life in a manner that is pleasing and worthy of such great love, that Jesus showed on the Cross.
So if you are seeking to be all that you desire to be, then welcome again to Practical Matters. A place where the Word of God hopefully will be shared in such a way that will allow God’s Word to be applied in every day situations, in order to show the reader that;
1: God is forever with us.
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3. We have no excuse not to live in a way that is pleasing to God.
4. God designed and desires for us to be with Him for all eternity.
Thanks again for joining me on this journey. I look forward to growing together in the love of Christ.
God bless.
In His Love, Dracy